gray computer monitor


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Nous sommes spécialisés dans le dépannage informatique, la configuration de téléphones, d'imprimantes et de solutions domotiques pour vous simplifier la vie.

A variety of smart home devices are arranged on a flat surface, including sensors, plugs, and hubs. The devices are mostly black and white, with some showing LED indicators and branding. The background is a muted gray, emphasizing the sleek and modern design of the gadgets.
A variety of smart home devices are arranged on a flat surface, including sensors, plugs, and hubs. The devices are mostly black and white, with some showing LED indicators and branding. The background is a muted gray, emphasizing the sleek and modern design of the gadgets.
Several old desktop computer towers, including iMac G4s, old keyboards, a liquid cooling system, and other electronic items are placed in the back of a vehicle. The hardware appears used and dusty.
Several old desktop computer towers, including iMac G4s, old keyboards, a liquid cooling system, and other electronic items are placed in the back of a vehicle. The hardware appears used and dusty.
Three individuals are gathered around an open computer case, seemingly engaged in inspecting or repairing the internal components. Their focus is directed towards the intricate circuitry and hardware within. One person's hand is seen pointing towards a specific part, possibly indicating an area of interest or troubleshooting.
Three individuals are gathered around an open computer case, seemingly engaged in inspecting or repairing the internal components. Their focus is directed towards the intricate circuitry and hardware within. One person's hand is seen pointing towards a specific part, possibly indicating an area of interest or troubleshooting.

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